The Case of the Separated Date Part 2 MS Word

About a month ago (on August 3, 2007 to be exact), we discussed a way to prevent a string of words from being separated onto different lines by MS Word when it wraps text. At that time, the suggestion of Shift + Enter was offered.

Its a solution that works and if youre not going to need to edit the file much, youd probably never notice any hiccups with it. But, on the other hand, if youre using it in a file that will undergo a lot of editing, you may find some limitations with this method. You may find that editing could cause some very short lines in the middle of a paragraph if you dont go in and delete the Shift + Enter.

So, if that wasnt a solution that worked well for you, youre probably wondering about other options.

At the time, I just couldnt come up with another choice, but fortunately, a reader wrote in and added a very helpful trick to our ever growing list of ways to make Word behave.

Now, I know youre interested in the extra information too, so lets get to work!

In order to invisibly connect two words, all you need to know is Ctrl + Shift + Space.

Yep, its that easy! Instead of placing a regular space between two words, use Ctrl + Shift + Space and the program will not separate the words onto two separate lines.

The good part about this method is that when editing, youll find that Word only makes unusual adjustments to spacing when it is required to keep the words together. With the other method, the new line created by the Shift + Enter stays as a new line no matter how short the line above it is.

Thank you, Sue for sending in your solution for all of us to enjoy!

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